Design Services



Hugh offers a discreet and interior design service.

Hugh’s overall experience and contacts in the world of art and design enables him to offer a discreet and exclusive interior design service

  • To advise on paint colours and finishes
  • To source furniture and objects
  • To design bespoke cabinet making of cupboards book cases and kitchens.
  • To originate and produce unique fabric designs.

Hugh St Clair will design furniture in conjunction with Britain’s cabinet makers tailored to customers own personal requirements. He has recently designed a kitchen and smart and understated bar and banquette for an English country house.

Hugh St Clair will go through the archives of long established British companies such as Beardmore, and stately homes such as Houghton Hall and show how through judicious tweaking what they have in their store rooms will appeal to 21st century house owners.



Hugh St Clair is known for his perfect taste in colour

Nicholas Coleridge, Managing Director Conde Nast.

